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  • i-Herbal Garden 2023/24/

    The i-Herbal Garden online exhibition is officially open to the public! 「網絡時空百草園」網上展覽正式公展! “Herbal Paradise” was successfully concluded this past weekend and Sunday (April 6th and 7th). Thank you to all the teachers, students and parents who attended and supported the event. On that day, the students participated in the activity shared their experiences, recalling interesting stories and various feelings about planting, which made the audience excited and moved! The students shared in different ways, which attracted applause from the audience. Gardeners’ team and Registered practitioner Au Shing Fai also talked about knowledge related to children's planting and Chinese medicine, both intelligence and sensibility. In addition to the Chinese herbal plants from the i-Herbal Garden, the “Cultural Knowledge Corner” has 30 kinds of common Chinese herbal plants to help everyone expand their knowledge. The traditional Chinese medicine tie-dye and Chinese medicine soap workshops are a new experience for both adults and children. Everyone can go home with lots of joy and souvenirs. Then, our online exhibition “i-Herbal Garden 2023/24” started immediately, starting from April 8 and lasting for one month! In addition to appreciating the achievements of students, please also express “Your Encouragement” with actions. Click to visit the i-Herbal Garden of each school to appreciate it and press LIKE👍 on your favorite i-Herbal Garden! 前往「網絡時空百草園」網上展覽 To i-Herbal Garden 「百草樂園」於剛過去的周末、日(4月6及7日)圓滿結束,多謝所有出席支持的師生及家長。當日各間學校派出參與活動的同學進行分享,憶述當中趣事和種植的種種感受等,令在場觀眾既興奮,又感動!同學們的分享形式各異,引來全場掌聲。 園藝師團體和區成煇醫師亦暢談兒童種植和中醫藥相關學問,知性與感性並重。會場設置的「文化增知角」除了百草園的中草藥植物外,更為大家帶來多達30種常見的中草藥植物,有助大家增廣見聞。 舉辦的中藥扎染和紫草中藥皂工作坊,對大人和小朋友都是一個新鮮的體驗,還可以帶著滿滿的雀躍和戰利品回家去。 接著,「網絡時空百草園」網上展覽隨即展開,由4月8日開始,為期一個月! 除了觀賞同學們的成果,請同時以行動表達「你的鼓勵」,Click入各學校百草園細意欣賞,對喜愛的百草園按 LIKE👍! #網絡時空百草園 #iHerbalGarden #網絡時空百草園2023_24 #iHerbalGarden2023_24 #校訪活動 #SchoolVisit #香港 #HongKong iHerbal Garden News Back

  • i-Herbal Garden 2023/24/

    “Herbal Paradise” Exhibition and Event day will be held soon! 「百草樂園」展覽及活動日即將舉行! When you browses the “iHerbal Garden 2023/24” website, will you be unsatisfied because can only watch students’ results online? Similarly, students who participate may not feel satisfy and suffer a loss if they can only share with their classmates. This is a rare opportunity to create opportunities. Students can share and show the results of their participation in planting with everyone in person. They’ll interact and talk about the joy and loss, and full of learning and experience in these periods. On the first Saturday and Sunday in April (April 6-7), the “Herbal Paradise” Exhibition and Event day will be held at CIC-ZCP Multi-purpose Hall in Kowloon Bay. On that day, there were booths for participating schools to display their learning achievements. TCM practitioners and gardeners shared knowledge about Chinese herbal medicine. The “Cultural Knowledge Corner” introduced common herbal plants. There was also a Chinese Herbal Medicine workshop where everyone can join. Make a note of April 6th and 7th and come to “Herbal Paradise” to play and learn together. “Herbal Paradise” Exhibition and Event day: Date: April 6-7, 2024 (Saturday and Sunday) Time: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Venue: CIC-ZCP Multi-Purpose Hall (8 Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay) Activities of the day: 1) Booths of participating schools displaying learning achievements 2) TCM practitioners and gardeners share knowledge on Chinese Herbal Medicine 3) Chinese herbal medicine workshop School exchange period: April 6, 2024 (Saturday) 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm Chinese herbal medicine workshop Traditional Chinese Medicine Tie Dye (April 6, 2024) Lithospermum Chinese Herbal Soap (April 7, 2024) 前往「網絡時空百草園」 To i-Herbal Garden 大家瀏覽「網絡時空百草園」網站時,會否只能於線上觀看同學們的成果而未能滿足?同樣地,親身參與的同學只能與校內同學分享也可能未感暢快,若有所失。難得有創造機會的機會,同學可親身跟大家分享及展示參與種植的成果,互動、談談、聊聊,當中點點喜悅與失落,滿滿學習與體會。 4月首個星期六、日(4月6日至7日),於九龍灣零碳天地多用途會堂舉行「百草樂園」展覽及活動日。當日設有參與學校展示學習成果的攤位,中醫師及園藝師分享中草藥知識,「文化增知角」介紹常見的本草植物,還有中草藥工作坊,大家動動手做中藥扎染環保袋和具舒敏作用的紫草中藥皂。 記下4月6日及7日這個日子,來「百草樂園」一起玩學。 「百草樂園」展覽及活動日舉行詳情︰ 日期︰2024年4月6日至7日(六及日) 時間︰早上10:00 –下午5:00 地點︰零碳天地多用途會堂(九龍灣常悅道8號) 當日活動︰1) 參與學校展示學習成果攤位   2) 中醫師、園藝師到場分享中草藥知識 3) 中草藥工作坊 學校交流時段︰2024年4月6日(星期六)下午1:30 –下午4:00 中草藥工作坊 中藥扎染(2024年4月6日) 紫草中藥皂(2024年4月7日) #網絡時空百草園 #iHerbalGarden #網絡時空百草園2023_24 #iHerbalGarden2023_24 #校訪活動 #SchoolVisit #香港 #HongKong iHerbal Garden News Back | Next

  • i-Herbal Garden 2023/24/

    “iHerbal Garden 2023/24” website has been updated! 「網絡時空百草園」2023/24網站已更新! The “iHerbal Garden 2023/24” project is in full swing. 10 participating schools have also completed multiple learning classes. Teachers reported that the students took care the Herbs Garden very carefully. Although the growth conditions of the plants varied. Under the guidance of the gardener, they had a better understanding of the plants’ conditions and made appropriate adjustments. The students are striving to show the results to the public. We also shoot virtual exhibitions in the herb gardens of each school. Later, you will see the small herb garden carefully taken care of by the students on the “iHerbal Garden 2023/24” website, as well as the reports they carefully produced. The “iHerbal Garden 2023/24” website has also been updated, adding tips for daily plant planting. And introducing botanical gardens in Sydney and Victoria. The Ornamental Medicine Garden will be displayed a 100,000-square-meter Chinese Medicine Garden in the Lingnan national medicine town. Also the Longest Sandstone High-relief of Chinese medicine recorded by Guinness. Stay tuned. To i-Herbal Garden 前往「網絡時空百草園」 「網絡時空百草園」項目正進行得如火如荼,10間參與學校也完成了多個學習課堂。透過老師反映,同學照顧百草園非常用心,雖然植物的生長情況各異,但經園藝師指導,對植物狀況加深了解並作出適當調整,努力向大眾展示成果。 我們亦與同學同心同行,到各校的百草園進行虛擬展覽拍攝。稍後大家將會於「網絡時空百草園」網站看到同學們悉心照顧的小藥園,還有他們用心製作的報告。 「網絡時空百草園」網站亦進行了更新,添加了日常植物栽種的貼士,放眼遠方介紹位於雪梨及維多利亞的植物園。「觀賞藥園」將會展現於國醫小鎮佔地100000平方米的國醫園,及擁有健力士紀錄最長的中醫藥歷史文化浮雕長廊。敬請期待。 #網絡時空百草園 #iHerbalGarden #網絡時空百草園2023_24 #iHerbalGarden2023_24 #校訪活動 #SchoolVisit #香港 #HongKong iHerbal Garden News Back | Next

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網頁 Pages (27)

  • CCCF | Chinese Cultural Communication Foundation

    主頁: Welcome Inheriting and Interpreting Culture - Spirit, Wisdom, Inspiration “Igniting Spark of Tradition and Modern Illuminating Chinese Culture for Tomorrow” All Picture Books are available on PCR FamClub ➤ ★ i-Herbal Garden 2023/24 ★ ❤︎ Food Cultural by Little Huatuo ❤︎ Picture Books on Chinese Medicine Culture Become Master Herbalist Junior Picture Books on Chinese Medicine Culture Series 2 CCCF Editor 1 hour ago i-Herbal Garden 2023/24/ 4 Post not marked as liked CCCF Editor Mar 26 i-Herbal Garden 2023/24/ 12 Post not marked as liked CCCF Editor Mar 19 i-Herbal Garden 2023/24/ 11 Post not marked as liked

  • Participation. Share | CCCFoundation

    Participation. Share 聖公會德田李兆強小學 | 啟基學校(港島) | 聖公會奉基小學 | 大角嘴天主教小學 | 慈幼葉漢千禧小學 | 中華基督教會協和小學(長沙灣) | 啟基學校 温志揚校長 聖公會德田李兆強小學 人生觀的栽種 上學年已於校內引入中醫藥文化課堂和活動的聖公會德田李兆強小學,校長温志揚直言覺得中醫藥既神秘又博大精深,參與推展後除了加深認識,更希望學生能從中啟悟到人生道理。 ​ 就如本草校園項目,參與的同學不怕髒、不怕苦、不邀功,積極投入,羣力羣策,既學懂了中藥植物種植的知識,感受了濃厚的中華文化,還可能有更豐厚的得著,領略和秉承到中華文化傳統的謙虛與辭讓。 ​ 又如透過繪本認識百子櫃,發現可以把所學延伸到生活當中。由內裡林林總總、百味紛陳的藥材,認識到同病不同人、同人不同歲,選用的藥類與分量都有差別;進一步了解到面對困難時,方法並非只有一個,對錯並非只有一面,因人而異,因情况與環境而有別。這正是同學最值得汲取的精神養分。 温校長往後會繼續於校內推行中醫藥文化課程,並寄望「對同學往後學習,以至待人處事的人生觀都會有好的影響」。 LSK 啟基學校(港島) 文化的深層演繹 學習可以是多元多面,當然也可以是多層次。 啟基學校(港島)鄭惠琪校長相信,就如認識中醫藥文化,不只是關乎疾病,更可以是調理、保健、養生、美容;學校藥園耕作,學生也不僅是種植和增進植物知識,而是領受過程中培養出來的耐性與包容,珍惜得來不易的藥物;至於中國文化傳播,也不是局限於國徽、國旗或歷史,透過生活化,從中醫藥認識中國文化絶對是進階深層的好方法。 由繪本、閱讀、耕作,延展至以傳統皮影戲演繹中醫藥文化故事;由學生的交流和接觸,延展至家長學習,全校參與,都是校長所樂見的。 鄭惠琪校長 「由淺入深,讓學生學習得更加精彩,更加美好。」這宏願想必指日可待。 KKHK 黃悦明校長 聖公會奉基小學 互動與科技的多元並進 中醫藥除了是一門學問,更飽含了歷史、文化、智慧與科學。聖公會奉基小學黃悦明校長深信多元化、新思維的學習模式,可帶領學生,甚至家長,能夠更投入、更容易認識和理解中國這獨有的文化,加深對國民身分的認同。 ​ 聖公會奉基小學在過去學年,銳意在中醫藥文化教育上引入互動與科技元素,除了中醫師富趣味的課堂講解、繪本閱讀和文化工作坊外,更增設藥園種植,讓同學可摸、可聞、可見,親身接觸中藥植物,身體力行,領略更深,真切驚歎這大自然的禮物;還有由巴士改裝,充滿STEM元素的中醫藥文化互動學習空間,以新思維傳達文化知識;至於校園五禽戲,融合知識與遊戲於五種動物的肢體動作中,起著强身健體的作用,加上家長的熱情參與,尤其發揮親子互動效果。 課堂之外,黃校長更支持走出去,走進大自然,接觸香港的珍貴資源;未來還可以走到大灣區,爭取更多學習機會,自然得到更多。 FK 大角嘴天主教小學 中醫藥文化 極具發展潛力 學校一向重視學生透過活動式和體驗式學習,以推動常識科的價值觀教育和國民身分認同,大角嘴天主教小學校長周德輝相信,中醫藥文化正是一個非常適合的切入點。校長非常支持配合多元形式活動,醫師、園藝師等各項目專業導師,加上線上線下平台科技互動,從而讓學生得到全方位支援,得以感受、體驗和參與學習當中博大精深的文化。 能推動老師和家長的支持以及參與當然十分重要,除此之外,學校在對外活動上都會向外賓宣揚有關訊息,並且介紹校內的中藥園,讓大家能感受到背後的意義和文化所在。日後,學校會繼續發展相關項目,積極思考如何配合科技,鼓勵學生以知識融合創意,分享學習成果,貢獻社會。 周德輝校長 TKT 黃偉堅校長 慈幼葉漢千禧小學 當一個地球的好管家 學校在參與中醫藥文化教育推廣上,不單闢地作藥園栽種,更重建温室,培育了超過60種中草藥介紹給同學認識。慈幼葉漢千禧小學校長黃偉堅認為種植花草、蔬菜同樣是好,但如果可以提升層次種植本草植物,除食用和欣賞外,更具藥用價值;而温室的環境營造,亦能讓同學注意環保,重視與自然界和諧共處,有利地球持續發展。 ​ 一切從心出發,校長希望同學在學習中醫藥文化的同時,懂得愛,懂得照顧,懂得生命的重要和價值,懂得推己及人,貢獻社會。修身、齊家、治國、平天下,多認識身體,多認識健康,先照顧好自己,再照顧他人。要認識中醫藥不僅在苦茶、湯水、針灸,而在學習治病態度,中醫的「望聞問切」是在細微中找出癥結,這種探究精神和細心態度,同學在學習和處理問題上也能夠應用得上。 ​ 黃校長深覺中醫藥文化包含了學校不同的重要價值觀,所以往後會進一步結合家長和老師各持分者的力量,讓學生得以實踐所學。 Salesian 中華基督教會協和小學(長沙灣) 由閱讀出發促進 個人成長 「國民教育不是硬梆梆的一塊,若能結合日常生活,對學生的成長、生涯規劃和中國傳統文化的認識會有很大的幫助。」 ​ 中華基督教會協和小學(長沙灣)校長蔡世鴻就是本著這顆心,著力支持和鼓勵學生從閱讀中醫藥文化繪本出發,配合與生活同高度的學習,延伸參與本草藥園種植。同學在挖泥、下土、澆水中表現的投入和自動自覺,在繪本故事中得以領悟健康文化和做人做事的正確態度,以及家長在文化分享講座中的全情參與,亦令圖書館主任倫雅文感到收穫滿滿。步伐不緩,學校往後會循序延展,引入中文與中醫藥文化課程,重視治未病理念的健體運動,跳出校園多作相關文化遊學交流,全面推廣和認識中華文化智慧。 倫雅文老師 (左) 及 蔡世鴻校長 (右) HW 陳美顔 校長 啟基學校 有系統的規劃, 盡全力的推廣 參觀了中華文化傳播基金的一個中醫藥文化推廣展覽,啟基學校校長陳美顔發覺,中醫藥原來也可以包裝得如此有趣和吸引,所以更堅定了把相關的文化推廣課程和活動引進校園的決心。 ​ 中醫藥是中國傳統優秀文化的代表,陳校長深覺學校是最好的平台,應該肩負起責任,讓學生認識和學習當中的知識、態度和價值觀。因此,學校在年間作出有系統的規劃,由學生喜歡的自然種植活動開始,透過認識中草藥形態、療效和有趣典故,領略其中的文化底蘊。老師和家長參與過在校舉辦的文化課程活動後,反應亦非常正面;至於學生,更熱烈得不得了,不少為未能入選參與藥園種植而失望,卻不減偷空觀看草藥生長的興趣。為鼓勵學生多閱讀中醫藥文化教育繪本,學校更積極地舉行問答比賽作呼應配合。 ​ 往後,學校除了會繼續拓闊和加深推動中醫藥文化教育外,陳校長更進一步認為中醫藥文化本來就與大家的生活息息相關,多認識多學習,定能提高對中醫的認知和認同,值得考慮將基礎知識納入幼、小、中學成為必修課程。 KKKln 長文「Oh!爸媽」網站 中醫藥文化教育|讓中醫藥走進校園 在藥園深耕 傳承文化美德 *Only in Chinese

  • i-Herbal Garden 2023/24 | CCCFoundation

    i-Herbal Garden 2023/24 Continuing the Experience and Results of 2021/22 Promo te the learning project of Campus green, Herbal medicine and Horticulture Connecting On and offline herbal world Establish sustainable and shared 5 ways of Life teaching resources To iHerbal Garden 2023/24 Extend the Interdisciplinary Teaching, Learning and Experience of Cultural Inheritance through Herbal Pl anting Herbal Study. Build a Herbal Garden Together / Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture Class / The concept of Traditional Chinese Medicine, common urban diseases and knowledge of Hong Kong herbal plants are taught by registered Chinese medicine practitioners Horticulture Class / Students are led by horticulturists to learn and experience the functions of herbal plants, planting techniques and horticultural perspectives in school Online Platform / Cooperate with the courses and planting process, provide learning and maintenance knowledge 1/3 Network Connecting. Digital Sharing / Horticulturalists give comments and corrections at different stages The Herbal garden will be filmed as a Virtual Tour together with the study report, uploaded to “i-Herbal Garden” platform for public display Continue to go to overseas for medicine gardens VT shooting and add new to the “Appreciation of Medicine Garden” . The contents will be more abundant. Visit the previous participating schools, set up an introductions and comparisons of the development of herbal gardens. Strengthen the sustainable development of the project with care and encouragement. Have Fun Together. Field Observation / New added “Herbal Paradise” exhibition and activity day. Participating schools can display the results, share what they have learned, show their own experiences and communicate with public in person. Invite 10 participated schools of 2021/22 to attend and introduce the development of school gardens and share with the participated schools in 23/24 Well-designed herbal gardening space for demonstration and view A “Cultural Knowledge Corner” is set up to provide herbal plants knowledge and introduce trails to explore herbal plants in Hong Kong Herbal Health Workshop, learning to make different daily care products from plants Public are welcome to visit and enjoy together * The project is tentatively scheduled to launch in September 2023, details will be announced. Funding #iHerbalGarden #SchoolVisit home

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